Web Builder

Jose H Vides

26301 Esmeralda Cir - Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(949) 445 5514


Senior Software Engineer, with over 15 years of experience in the computer field as mainframe and network systems, applications and web front end architect, developer and support.

Extensive experience on the adaptation of existing applications to solve current issues presented to many companies moving up into the 21 century, utilizing the IT division as one of their strong supports to accomplish their goals. Experienced in the area of project management, ITSM and eCommerce applications using standard engineering processes, Client Server technology, Web Development and Database Administration

Profesional Employment


2016.06 - 2017.12

Senior Software Engineer

Implementation of new Services into the Corporate catalog and implement Auto-Provisioning of such services with tracking of process within the Work Order system. All catalog request are transfer and processed by the enterprise ITSM system (Remedy) for products and services provisioning. Provide technical guidance on the design of solutions and interfaces for many aspects withing the IT division at LEIDOS. Lead of various projects to a succesful completion utilizing different methodologies to ensure the correct mix of languages, applications and data base systems. On time delivery of projects by managing the progress with the support of multiple tools such as: Redmine, MantisBT, MS.Project, Project Libre.

Major accomplishments:

  • Design and Implement New JPL service offerings with specific rules for multiple applications: DataCenter, Network Services.
  • Implement changes to the "Enterprise Catalog system" for "Jet Propulsion Laboratories" to offer new products and services.
  • Design and implement a user interface to schedule the client migrations: from MS.Exchange 2010 to MS.Exchange 2013 and MS.Exchange migration from 2013 to MS.Exchange 2016
    • User migration schedule based on Server and network loads.
    • User re-schedule to satisfy user needs.
    • Reporting dashboard of migration effort.
  • Major role on the design and implementation of Mobile solutions for LEIDOS.
    • IOS application for the "Asset life cycle" (ordering thru depletion).
    • IOS application for easy Ticket system updates.
    • IOS application for Visitor control system.
  • Design and develop functions and algorithims for solutions in various applications such as an Exchange Migration Load distribution
  • Design and Develop interfaces to our ITSM product (BMC-Remedy) utilizing JavaSystems XML-Gateway
  • Implement changes to BMC Remedy to enable a seamless user view between the Catalog system and Remedy ITSM. Data input to remedy as well as dynamic reporting.

ASP, HTML, CSS, Core JavaScript, AJAX, Restful interface, APIs, JSON, XML, XSL, JAVA, Bootstrap, Angular, JQuery, PHP, MsSQL, MySQL, AutoIT, JIRA, MantisBT, Remedy, Power Shell, MsOffice, VBApps, Libre Office, Project Libre, Python, Java.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

2010.10 - 2016.06

Senior Software Engineer

Design, Develop and Implement Web interface modules to various technical and business applications. Build a Web application to allow the collaboration functionality to all authorized members of our contract. The development of this app has to function as an incubator system for new and upcoming contracts within the corporate levels, portability is one of the key requirements for the basic design.

Major accomplishments:

  • Development and Implementation of a Corporate Product and service catalog system for JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories).   This system allow the client to order products and services using Corporate rules for the acquisition of computer base equipment and services. This system provides:
    • LDAP authentication
    • Build to order and conflict manager
    • Interface to a Work Order System
    • Automate Service provisioning
    • Interface with client accounting system
  • Implement an "Enterprise Catalog system" for "UK Control tower system". Port of the JPL Catalog system and modifications to satisfy the UK requirements (Remotely)
  • Successful implementation of Sharepoint 2007 and the development of solutions to satisfy our current contract needs.
  • Design, develop and implement an IT Technical Dashboard system.
  • Create interfaces to use the Sharepoint system as the basic configuration control entry system for various background processes.
  • Major player on the design and development of the enterprise Mobile Solution (TotalControl), this system allows the in-time tracking of service request as well as in-time updates of an asset during their life cycle.

ASP, HTML, CSS, Core JavaScript, AJAX, Restful interface, APIs, XML,XSL, JAVA, JQuery, PHP, MsSQL, MySQL, AutoIT, JIRA, MantisBT, Remedy, Power Shell, Sharepoint, Libre Office, Project Libre, MsOffice, VBApps, Python, C#.

OAO Corporation

1997.09 - 2010.10

Senior Software Engineer

Implementation of a ARS/Remedy Help Desk application that would support the "Desktop Network Services" group in conjunction with other existing tools to support Help Desk activities. The integration of various commercial applications in the creation of a MOM system (Manager Of Managers) involving the merge of technologies such as Network monitors (Boole & Babagge), Desktop System Managers (SMS), Communications software (e-mail) with a Centralized Tracking System (HelpDesk Application / ARS Remedy)

Major accomplishments:

  • Successful creation of centralized system with the capability to interface with external HelpDesk system as well as the design of an open Help Desk System that satisfy the need of OAO Corporation and any other Company that becomes a user of OAO Desktop Network Support. Provided to OAO Corp. a system that would support local and remote user via client base and Web base application. My responsibilities on this project included the Administration of NT Server, SQL Data Base Administration and the System and Software development of the application using ARS Remedy/BMC products
  • Provided System and Software consulting for other groups within the OAO Corporation.

ASP, HTML, CSS, Core JavaScript, AJAX, Restful interface, APIs, XML, XSL, JAVA, JQuery, PHP, MsSQL, MySQL, AutoIT, Power Shell, Remedy, Sharepoint, MsOffice, VBApps, Python.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

1996.07 - 1997.08

Systems Integrator / Development / Support

Analysis and development of the in-house centralized HELP-DESK application. This application was developed to meet the institutional approved platforms (Unix/Oracle). The application was developed with the use of the "ARS/Remedy" software, allowing the users to interface from multiple clients (PC/Macs/Unix/WWW).

Major accomplishments:

  • Implementation of the JPL Institutional Internal Helpdesk syste
  • Research client needs and apply results to satisfy multiple organizations in the creation of a institutional solution for the Desktop HelpDesk Systems
  • Developed The Helpdesk application using the "Remedy/ARS" application.
  • Successful implementation of interfaces of the new application with other systems such as mainframes and client server applications.
  • Deployment and training of client.


  • ASP
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • AJAX
  • JQuery
  • JSon
  • XML
  • XSL
  • MySQL
  • MS SQL
  • Java
  • Sharepoint Designer
  • Sharepoint
  • VBApps
  • MS Office
  • MS Project
  • Office Libre
  • Project Libre
  • Mantis BT
  • Auto IT
  • Power Shell
  • Python
  • Pearl
  • CSharp
  • Rest API


  • Performance tuning techniques for Mainframe applications.
  • Tips and tricks on how to improve the overall performance of Mainframe applications: COBOL, JCL, IDCAMS, MVS Utilities.
  • Windows Tips & Tricks page on the WWW
  • Tips and Tricks on the Microsoft NT operating system, Solutions to common problems that are not documented on any manual.This publication include tips on NT operating system, Microsoft SQL, Security and Networking issues.


  • SECSET - Version 2.0 A security tool for NT that allows the administrators to add or remove users to NT via a batch process and using a sequential file as input.
  • ARS2CSV - Version 2.0 ARS/Remedy tool that interprets the output of the definitions dump and formats then in a readable form for any text base spreadsheet tool (CSV format)
  • Quotable Quotes..... - Version 2.0 A Smart E-Mail signature Customization program that provides the user with a random quote when invoked, and create an e-mail signature file according to user settings. (Shareware)


  • Los Angeles Windows User group
  • Rocky Mountain Windows NT User group
  • San Diego Windows User group
  • Windows NT champs
  • Anchorage Windows User group
  • International Who Is Who in IT (1999)
  • National Association of Shareware Developers.